Invest 840 million! Xiaomi Corporation acquires land again.

A few days ago, the open information of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Planning and Natural Resources (Commission for Planning and Natural Resources) showed that Xiaomi Jingxi Technology Co., Ltd. won the right to use the industrial project of Plot 0106 in Area YZ00-0606, Beijing Yizhuang New City at a price of 842 million yuan. The total transfer period is 50 years, and the land area is 531,130 square meters.

It is understood that the Beijing Municipal Commission for Planning and Natural Resources officially publicized this project on June 21 and officially listed and publicly bid on July 11. The listing price was 842 million yuan, and the transaction was completed with only one bid, and the plot was won by Xiaomi Jingxi Technology Co., Ltd. According to the relevant planning shown in the listing documents, the fixed asset investment of the project shall not be less than 26 billion yuan, and the annual output value upon reaching production capacity shall not be less than 16 billion yuan.
It is worth noting that this plot is located on the west side of the Mazhuangqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base in Yizhuang New City, close to the Xiaomi Automobile Factory, covering an area of 531,100 square meters, and the building control scale does not exceed 690,500 square meters. Judging from the previously disclosed information, Plot 0106 in Block YZ00-0606 of Yizhuang New City is located in the manufacturing and production leading area, and it will be planned to be used for the development of high-end automobiles and new energy smart automobile industries.

Xiaomi Automobile’s first mass-produced vehicle – Xiaomi SU7 was officially launched on March 28. As of the end of June, a cumulative total of 30,000 vehicles have been delivered. And Xiaomi Automobile will deliver at least 100,000 vehicles this year and regards 120,000 vehicles as the final goal. At present, Xiaomi Automobile still has a target space of at least 70,000 vehicles. In the next six months, the monthly average sales need to be more than 11,700 vehicles, and if calculated according to 120,000 vehicles, the monthly average sales need to be more than 15,000 vehicles, which is still quite a lot of pressure for Xiaomi Automobile.
Since the listing of Xiaomi SU7, the production capacity and delivery capacity of Xiaomi Automobile have always been a hot topic. Since June, Xiaomi Automobile has begun to implement the “two-shift” production model. According to the previous plan, Xiaomi Automobile plans to build production factories in two phases in Beijing Yizhuang, with an annual production capacity of 150,000 vehicles each. At present, the first-phase factory project that has been built and put into operation has already produced and delivered the Xiaomi SU7 product.

This newly added approved and completed transaction may be preparing for the construction of the second phase of the Xiaomi Automobile factory. Industry insiders speculate that Xiaomi’s land acquisition this time actually has little impact on the improvement of the production capacity of Xiaomi SU7, and is mainly to prepare for the mass production of the second and third mass-produced vehicles.
It is understood that the second mass-produced vehicle of Xiaomi Automobile is a coupe SUV with the internal code MX11, which is expected to be launched in the first half of next year. Last month, the road test spy photos of the first SUV of Xiaomi Automobile were exposed, proving that the vehicle has entered the road test stage. Judging from the road test spy photos, the overall design of the first SUV “MX11” of Xiaomi Automobile is different from that of Xiaomi SU7. The headlight of the new car is a bit similar to that of Xiaomi SU7, and the entire front compartment is very low. It adopts a clamshell front engine compartment cover, and the front engine compartment occupies a large proportion of the vehicle body, but the driver will still have a fairly good field of vision.

Lei Jun previously stated that the goal of Xiaomi Automobile is to become one of the top five global automobile manufacturers, which requires the company to continue to make large-scale investments in technological innovation and production capacity. Not long ago, Xiaomi Automobile has just become independent, and the name of the production enterprise has been changed from Beijing Automotive Group SUV Co., Ltd. to Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd., providing legal and technical dual guarantees for its manufacture and sales of automobiles.

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