The braking failure of Wenjie M9 was exposed to hit the wall! The official response.

Recently, according to the legal channel of Henan TV Station, a Wenjie M9 owner from Shangqiu disclosed to it that when he was driving the new car Wenjie M9 that he had bought for less than half a month in the basement, it was suspected that there was a problem with the vehicle’s brakes, resulting in the vehicle hitting the wall.

It can be seen from the video exposed on the Internet that when the vehicle was about to drive to the corner of the garage, the vehicle hit the front wall and made a loud noise. The owner told the media that at that time, he found that the vehicle was accelerating, so he stepped on the brake emergency brake, but the brake emergency brake did not have any response, and the vehicle finally accelerated and hit the wall. From the damaged picture of the vehicle after the accident, it can be seen that the headlight position of the vehicle is seriously damaged. For this accident, the owner also put forward his own demands in the video, that is, to require the manufacturer to provide various driving report data of the vehicle.

In response to this matter, it has also triggered a lot of discussions among netizens. Some netizens commented and said: Obviously the speed is too fast. With this bend and this speed, it is estimated that most people can’t turn. In addition, some netizens pointed out: On the epoxy floor with water, don’t exceed 5 yards per hour, and you can’t stop.

Subsequently, the 4S store also responded to this matter and said: It is not that there is a problem with the vehicle’s brakes, but that the ground was too slippery at that time, so the accident was caused. At the same time, various driving data provided by the manufacturer were also taken out, and an explanation was made for each data. The final conclusion is that after the epoxy floor paint meets water, the adhesion is not as high as that of the normal dry pavement, and there is no problem with the vehicle.

Subsequently, the official of Wenjie also commented and responded in the comment below the video and said: After the accident occurred, the information of the vehicle collision was received, and the first time went to the scene to assist the traffic police and the owner to deal with it. On that day, the epoxy floor in the underground garage was wet and slippery. When the vehicle entered the underground garage, the maximum speed was 36 km/h. When braking at about 15 meters from the wall, the vehicle finally hit the wall at 15 km/h. Through the background data analysis, the braking system and the steering response are all normal, and no product quality problems are found. In order to ensure driving safety, when driving in the wet garage, it should be slowed down and moved slowly in strict accordance with the warning signs of the garage, and avoid sudden braking and sudden steering.

It is understood that currently, because the epoxy floor of most underground garage floors can have the advantages of dust-proof and moisture-proof, and is also conducive to cleaning, epoxy resin materials are all selected for paving. But it is worth mentioning that the epoxy floor is mainly composed of an organic material called “epoxy resin”. When there is water accumulation on the epoxy floor, it will form a water film similar to water pouring on oil, which will greatly reduce the friction, so this is also the main reason for many vehicles to have accidents on the epoxy pavement with water accumulation.

Normally, when driving in the epoxy floor basement with water accumulation, it is necessary to control the speed below 5 miles in order to ensure sufficient braking distance and avoid the occurrence of accidents. And the maximum speed of the owner in this accident is 36 miles, which indeed greatly increases the risk of accidents.

In fact, in recent years, when many models are driving on the slippery epoxy ground, due to the too-fast and emergency forced braking, it will lead to the situation that the speed is too fast and the tires slip and can’t hold the ground, resulting in the situation of crashing due to inability to stop.

Data shows: Wenjie M9 is a flagship model under the AITO car. It was launched in late December last year and is positioned as a large SUV. A total of 4 models are launched, and the price range is 469,800-569,800 yuan. Data shows that the latest June sales volume of Wenjie M9 is 16,525 units, and the cumulative sales volume in the first half of this year is 58,823 units.

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