Xiaomi SU7 chassis smoking? The official response.

A few days ago, some netizens broke the news that the chassis of a Xiaomi SU7 in a certain community showed the situation of white smoke. On July 18, the official of Xiaomi Automobile released “Xiaomi SU7 Answering Netizens’ Questions (Episode 45)”, and responded to the above event in the article.

The official of Xiaomi Automobile said that the day before yesterday, Xiaomi Automobile received a call from the vehicle driver, reporting that there was a short-term local smoke phenomenon after the vehicle collided. The service staff of the Xiaomi Automobile store rushed to the scene at the first time. After communicating with the user and on-site inspection, the following situation was confirmed:

  1. There is obvious severe damage on the vehicle chassis caused by external force, but the battery pack only has a short-term pressure relief and exhaust, without thermal spread and no fire. At the same time, the background data networking function of the accident vehicle was in the actively closed state at the vehicle end when the incident occurred.
  2. It is suspected that an extreme external force collision occurred at the bottom of the battery of the accident vehicle. According to the analysis of the on-site situation, it is speculated that the ultimate trigger cause of the extreme working condition (it is still not possible to confirm whether the chassis has been knocked before), is the loose marble concrete floor tile (30030020mm), which is lifted up on one side after being rolled by the tire, and violently hits the bottom of the battery pack at a sharp invasive angle, and causes it to tear (the maximum opening is more than 350mm). Eventually, the bottom of the battery pack is severely depressed (the maximum depth is more than 30mm), and the internal battery cells are damaged and exposed, with a deformation of about 14.3mm.
  3. The development of the Xiaomi CTB battery pack is designed according to the highest safety standards, and comprehensive and strict tests have been carried out for the collision safety at the bottom of the battery. For example, a solid hemisphere with a diameter of 150mm is placed on the ground, and then a scraping bottom test is carried out at a vehicle speed of 30km/h, and the deformation of the battery cell is only 1mm. Even in response to the most stringent bottom impact test in the current industry, the battery deformation is only 5.4mm. In this accident, the deformation of the battery cell exceeded 14mm, which is more than 2.6 times that of the most stringent test, which already belongs to an extreme working condition. However, due to a series of protection measures of the Xiaomi SU7 battery pack, more battery cells were not caused to catch fire due to thermal spread, and only a short-term pressure relief and exhaust occurred.

At present, the Xiaomi Automobile side is assisting the user to properly handle the follow-up matters. At the same time, Xiaomi Automobile emphasizes that the above event can only be regarded as an extremely small probability extreme working condition caused by extreme external force under extremely accidental circumstances. Some reports use descriptions such as “spontaneous combustion” and “fire” without understanding the real situation, which has completely deviated from the facts. I hope everyone does not believe rumors and does not spread rumors.

It is understood that the Xiaomi SU7 is a blockbuster model that Xiaomi Automobile has spent three years building, and it is also the first model of Xiaomi Automobile. It is built based on the Modena platform architecture of Xiaomi Automobile, positioned as a C-class high-performance ecological technology sedan, and was listed on March 28. At present, the price range is 21.59-29.99 ten thousand yuan, and in terms of power, it provides the choice of dual-motor version and single-motor version models.

As the first masterpiece of the Xiaomi Group to enter the new energy vehicle market, the Xiaomi SU7 has attracted the attention of many consumers since its listing. Retail data shows that since the listing of the Xiaomi SU7, as of the end of June, the cumulative delivery of the Xiaomi SU7 is 30,000, of which the sales in April-June are 0.71 million, 0.86 million, and 1.43 million respectively, showing a gradually increasing trend. As a new car that has just been listed not long ago, the monthly delivery of the Xiaomi SU7 has exceeded 10,000, which indeed creates a miracle in the Chinese car market, which also reflects to a certain extent the recognition of consumers for Xiaomi Automobile.

According to the plan, Xiaomi Automobile will deliver at least 100,000 vehicles within this year and strive for 120,000. Calculated based on 100,000 vehicles, it means that Xiaomi Automobile needs to complete the delivery of 70,000 vehicles in the next 7 months, with an average monthly sales volume of 10,000. If it is calculated according to 120,000, the average monthly sales volume needs to reach about 12,900, and the pressure is still relatively large. However, Xiaomi Automobile pointed out in the above article that in July, the Xiaomi Automobile factory experienced a production line maintenance and optimization, but it will not affect the completion of the established monthly delivery target of more than 10,000 units.

On July 12, in the new product publicity of the 385th batch of “Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturing Enterprises and Products” disclosed on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, four “Xiaomi brand” pure electric sedans appeared. The new tail label of the Xiaomi SU7 was filed, and it was changed from the original “Beijing Xiaomi” to “Xiaomi”, and the name of the production enterprise of the Xiaomi SU7 was also changed to “Xiaomi Automobile Technology Co., Ltd.”, which also means that Xiaomi Automobile officially obtained the independent vehicle manufacturing qualification.

As for whether Xiaomi Automobile will launch other new cars in the future, it is not clear at present and still needs to be known by further official announcements. It should be noted that for the “Xiaomi SU8” model that is widely spread on the Internet, Xiaomi Automobile said: “It is not true. Xiaomi Automobile does not have such a car series and model planning.”

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